A Boost of Immunity: The Natural Ways That Will Help You Maintain Your Health and Body

Immune system
13 November 2023
Bottom line, what’s most important for you to know?
  • The immune system is one of the most important systems in the human body and is the body’s way of protecting itself. In order for it to optimally function, we need to provide it with all required nutritional components.
  • Even before the age of conventional medicine and medications, people used nature to fortify their natural defense and better deal diseases.
  • The basis for our immune system’s health and regularity starts with our diet. It’s important to make sure to have a balanced and versified diet and combine nutritional supplements when needed.

Good health cannot be separate from a strong immune system and truth be told; our immune system is under attack each minute of every day. When our immune system is weak, the tendency for colds and infections rises. A right and balanced diet, containing all necessary vitamins and minerals is essential and needed in order for the immune system to work properly. Certain vitamins or minerals deficiency might cause the immune system to weaken and increase its chances of being damaged.

It’s time to get stronger! We’ve gathered all the natural ways to help your body defend itself better, inside an out.

Probiotics – the good bacteria that stands guard for you.

Here’s a fact that might come as a surprise to some of you, there’s good bacteria out there! The friendly bacteria naturally found in our digestive system are also directly linked to the immune system. In fact, a large part of the immune system cells are located in the intestines and the probiotic bacteria act as “guards” and protect them. The good bacteria play an important role in operating the immune system, they contribute to the suppressing of the pathogen bacteria (disease generators) and balance the acid levels in the intestines. An addition of probiotics enriches the body with good bacteria that contribute to the strengthening of the natural defense and help the body better deal with infections. Store shelves are filled with a wide range of probiotic products and choosing one can be confusing. When choosing a probiotics product, you should make sure that the good bacteria is wrapped in a unique envelope that protects them from heat, moisture and acidity. You should also make sure that the supplement contains at least 10 different strains, at a dosage of at least 25 billion probiotic bacteria in each tablet.

Spirulina – Impressive nutritional values

Spirulina is in fact a cyanobacteria, meaning a bacterium that can photosynthesize and independently create its own food. The definition of spirulina is confusing since it has qualities resembling an alga. It was first made famous by given as a supplement for NASA astronauts, thanks to its remarkable nutritional values. spirulina is considered one of the richest nutritional sources in nature. It’s a rich source for quality protein and contains many and versified nutritional components. Among its many qualities the spirulina is considered effecting in maintaining the immune system, in traditional medicine, and providing the body with an abundance of nutritional components in a small dosage makes it a superfood. Spirulina comes in various forms, but due to its unique taste – which is not for everyone – it can also be consumed in a tablet. It’s recommended to choose a spirulina supplement at a concentrated dosage of at least 600mg per capsule.

Vitamin C – as healthy as it gets!

Vitamin C is considered a strong antioxidant, important for the proper functioning of the immune system and protecting from external contaminants. Vitamin C plays a key role in building the connective tissues of the body and maintaining the skin. In addition, it’s essential for the proper functioning of the white blood cells, which are a key component of the immune system. Since the human body can’t produce this vitamin on its own, there’s a need for its constant supply through diet. You can get the vitamin from various foods, mostly from fresh fruits and vegetables, such as citrus, red peppers and green vegetables, but it’s usually not enough for the body’s entire need, among other reasons since its levels significantly reduce from the minute its picked until its being eaten. For instance, in order to get 500mg of vitamin C per day, you’d have to eat 1-2kg of oranges! That’s why it’s best to use supplements, in order to prevent deficiencies.

Zinc – Alerts the immune system

Zinc is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the immune system, on all levels, and in all age groups. Studies on zinc have shown that its addition might cause a quicker recuperation from diseases, especially in older people. Out sense of taste and smell also have to do with zinc and their decrease often has to do with its deficit. Taking a zinc supplement during cold might shorten the disease, according to research done in Cleveland, USA. Zinc can be found in meat, legumes, nuts and zinc supplements. Those who suffer zinc deficiency should make up for it and choose zinc picolinate, a binding form that improves its absorption and implementation in the body.

Astragalus   – Nature’s shield

The aster gloss root is considered one of the most important and well-known herbs in Chinese traditional medicine. It’s also been taken on by modern herbal medicine and is known as one of the main herbs in strengthening the immune system. In the east it’s known as the “king of winter herbs”, and in China it’s known as a herb effective in strengthening the chi – the body’s shield. The aster glass root is also included in the group of adaptogen herbs attributed with qualities that improve adaptation and recovery of the body after an illness or prolonged stress. They’re considered reinforcing herbs, both physically and mentally.

When choosing an astragalus supplement, you should make sure they’ve been carefully planned out and contain a full extract of the herb, for its maximal potential. You should also know that the astragalus herb is safe for long term use and is considered a gentle and reinforcing herb that’s even good for kids.

Vitamin D – The sun’s vitamin

Also known as “the sun vitamin”, vitamin D serves an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system. You might be surprised to learn that a high percentage of the population suffers from vitamin D deficiency even in sun-soaked countries. Among other reasons, this has to do with low sun exposure – which is a part of the modern lifestyle – resulting in longer hours indoors and fewer hours outside. The use of sunscreens also gets in the way of producing the vitamin in the skin through sun exposure.

That’s why the best way to prevent a vitamin D deficiency year-round, is to take it as a supplement. Taking vitamin D supplements will allow you to maintain a proper level of the vitamin in the blood, even when the body doesn’t produce enough f it, preventing a deficiency. world health organizations released various statements during 2020 saying that a vitamin C deficiency has been linked with epidemiologic observations in having a negative effect on respiratory infections contagion and morbidity, issuing an official recommendation to take vitamin D supplements across all levels of the population.

Curcumin – Herbal world’s yellow gold

Curcumin is the active substance in the turmeric root with many healthy and important qualities. It’s considered a powerful antioxidant and has anti inflammatory effect. Alongside its impressive qualities, its prominent downside is its low biological availability. Curcumin quickly breaks off and is secreted from the body, therefore you should take it as a supplement, better one that contains 100% turmeric root extract, which also contains its active ingredients other than curcumin, and in an absorption technology that improves its biological availability in a proven research, so you can enjoy its effective benefits. 

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